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Bridging the Gap: a conversation between Rep. Mike Gallagher and Rep. Mark Pocan
Bridging the Gap
Newsmakers: U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R)
A Conversation With Angus King and Mike Gallagher
The History Museum at the Castle hosts Wisconsin Reps. Mike Gallagher and Mark Pocan 3-19-19
March 29, 2019: Rep. Mike Gallagher addresses Unrig Summit
The Realignment Ep. 19: Representative Mike Gallagher
Rep. Gallagher testifies about his Serve the People, Not the Swamp Act
Congressman Mike Gallagher comments on alleged Russian hacking
Rep. Gallagher Discusses Pedestrian Safety at T&I Hearing
Congressman Mike Gallagher joins NBC26 today
Congressman Gallagher Joints the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show